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Dr. Patrick Mahaney Weighs in on Environmentally Friendly Pet Foods for Sierra Magazine

Recently, I was was quoted in Sierra Magazine about the value whole foods play not only in helping our pets but also to support the betterment of our planet.
Here's the piece:
Dr. Patrick Mahaney, a holistic veterinarian and pet blogger in Los Angeles, recommends grain-free Grace from THE HONEST KITCHEN. "Cats," he says, "are obligate carnivores and don't benefit from the heavily grain-based diets on most store shelves." Ingredients include (among other human-grade goodies) free-range chicken and eggs, organic flaxseed, and sweet potatoes, spinach, and cranberries—all without genetically modified organisms. It comes as a powder (just add water before serving), which helps control Fluffy's portion size—stemming what Mahaney calls the "feline obesity epidemic"—and lessens shipping and packaging waste. The unbleached paper box is made from recycled materials and, like everything else from Honest, is made in North America. $24 for 2 pounds of powder.
Read the full article on by clicking here: Pet Provender
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