Memorial for DELTA Rescue Dog Lacee

It has been a sad few weeks for me as a veterinarian. As my work is primarily hospice care for debilitated and geriatric animals, I try to improve the quality of life of my patients in their remaining time on this earth. Recently, my first patient at the D.E.L.T.A. Rescue, Lacee, was humanely sent on to her next plane of existence. When I first met Lacee, we were both on camera as part of a series for the Entertainment Studios production, Pets.TV (see Lacee's MobileMe photo album). Her calming presence made me feel more relaxed under the heating glare of the production lights. Phot of Leo Grillo, Lacee, and I On Camera Over a few months, I got to work with the other devoted D.E.L.T.A staff to help improve Lacee’s quality of life. Lacee’s mobility benefitted from acupuncture treatment and dietary supplementation into her regimen of medications and physical therapy. Lacee will be missed, but her bright smile and positive energy will remain with us forever. Please make a donation to the D.E.L.T.A Rescue to help fund food, housing, and medical care for animals in need. D.E.L.T.A. (Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals) Rescue is the largest “No Kill, Care-for-Life,” sanctuary of its kind in the world. The Los Angeles area site houses and provides medical care to more than 1500 animals, including dogs, cats, horses, goats, and birds. Founded by Leo Grillo in 1979, D.E.L.T.A. Rescue incorporated as a non-profit animal rescue and tax-exempt 501 [c] 3 organization in 1982. Thank you for reading Lacee’s memorial. To receive my next article via email, please press the “Don’t Miss a Blog Post” button on the right upper corner of this page. Dr. Patrick Mahaney