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Is your pet at risk for heartworm disease?

plastic-heart-300x224Heartworm is a preventable but potentially life-threatening disease spread by the bite of a mosquito carrying the blood-borne parasite. When a mosquito bites a heartworm-positive animal, it carries the heartworm parasite to the next animal it bites, who can then become infected. The treatment for heartworm disease is typically arsenic-based, which can be very toxic for the body and is generally unpleasant for the pet. Understanding and preventing heartworm infection will keep your pet from having to suffer from the symptoms and treatment of heartworm disease. Learn more about heartworm disease and how to prevent your pet from becoming infected via following article for PetSafe- Is your pet at risk for heartworm disease?
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Copyright of this article (2014) is owned by Dr Patrick Mahaney, Veterinarian and Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist. Republishing any portion of this article must first be authorized by Dr Patrick Mahaney. Requests for republishing must be approved by Dr Patrick Mahaney and received in written format. 
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